Monday, July 24, 2006

Pick on Somebody your own Size!

Apparently, the women of the Islamic Defenders Front want to send Nadine Chandrawinata, Miss Indonesia, to the slammer (or worse).

Chandrawinata, a native of Hannover Germany with a German mother, is only the 2nd contestant in a decade to represent Indonesia in the global pageant. The 22-year old is accused of violating a ban on beauty pageants put in place by the dictator Suharto, the year Chandrawinata was born, in addition to just being plain old vulgar for donning a bathing suit for all to see.

QUESTION: Who funded Miss Indonesia's march to the pageant?
ANSWER: Why the men of Indonesia! Not only the men, but the male government officials who modify and enforce the rules by which the Indonesians live.

Come now, ladies...Chandrawinata is a pawn...why not go after those who ushered her into the arena, or do the men always get a pass...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.