Friday, August 11, 2006

Kanye...Guess there's no Hope for Brooke, huh?

"Alexis" who?

Rumored, but now confirmed, Mr. West has reportedly proposed during a recent two-week-long overseas vacation, to his long-time girlfriend/ex-girlfriend "Alexis" who is NOT to be confused with ex-girlfriend, MTV assistant turned myspace ranter, model, Brooke Crittendon.

"Alexis", according to reports, was his "back home" girlfriend who was there for him even before his infamous car accident. Crittendon, the self-proclaimed "Baddest-Chick" of SU (more like chickenhead) is probably pulling out her hair at the news.

"Brooke, you know I hooked you up with this pic, there were many disasters to choose from..."

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