Tuesday, November 21, 2006
John Ridley Is A Coon...
Enjoy: A Couple of "N Words" Walk into a Comedy Club, by John Ridley. Courtesy of The Huffington Post.
Do People Harbor Racist Thoughts? + 20 other questions
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Oprah's Face
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New Ish
This morning, 16 year old filmmaker Kiri Davis appeared on Good Morning America to discuss her documentary "A Girl Like Me." In the film she recreates the doll test used by Thurgood Marshall in presenting his case against segregation in Brown v. Board of Education. The sad truth is that the results today are exactly the same as they were 50 years ago. Young black girls are suffer from a profound self-hate that has survived the civil rights movement and our attempts at integration.
Truth to Power
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Oh Paige...don't be a Jackbutt like your Father...
"Them" Johnson's sure know how to get over. Make money off of ushering African-American young people into a level of self-hatred never seen before the inception of BET (think about it), become BILLIONAIRES, then get your own kids as FAR away from the decrepit lifestyle you so endorsed with your choice of programming for blacks on the ONLY station exclusively for "the people".
You know, Robert...I know about you... I know how you took advantage of the Affirmative Action programs to get into Princeton and while there, was open about your jack-buttedness and your "money by any means necessary" mantra. Well, you weren't joking. You have single-handedly taken generations of black children into the cycle on no-expectations, PROVING that you are a true American. Yup...this belief that you can rise ONLY by stepping on other peoples necks...
Paige, seriously...smile and nod when papa talks to you, but KNOW that man has nothing of value to contribute to your sensibilities. Good luck.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Old News, but my Heart..MY HEART!!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
An Open Letter To Whitney Houston
Monday, September 11, 2006
9/11 and the New York Primary
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Hypocrisy: What We Learned From Kate Moss
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Africanized Latinos, huh?
According to Schwarzenegger, the latino blood mixed with the black blood makes for some pretty savage beings...which would explain the "whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Carlos" spirit of Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia whom they were referring to at the time.
What's interesting, though, is the respsonse of some of the major latino politicians. Well, I'm not going to go there... I mean...we have frickin' Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Eatery Wins Booze Battle, Page Six, September 6, 2006
P.S. Also in New York gossip, are we the only people who didn't know about Miss Jones' antics with Beyonce's mother? Question for HR over at HOT 97...how many suspensions does one get before being umm, terminated?
Kelefa Sanneh Knows Hip-Hop Is Dead (and so do we)
New York Times arts journalist Kelefa Sanneh penned a piece of interest in today's New York Times, entitled "Imagining a Summer With a True Hip-Hop Hit." Kudos to him and the Times for giving a shit, right? Anyway, he calls to mind summers of yesteryear - or perhaps yesterdecade - when summer had an anthem, and the anthem was squarely within the parameters of hip-hop. Yes, strictly hip-hop as opposed to pop with a rapper on the hook or some other transgenre collabo, e.g., Shakira w/Wyclef, Nelly Furtado w/Timbaland, Eve w/ Gwen Stefani, Gwen Stefani w/ Pharrel.
Will Smith and Rakim made the first summer rap hit that we can remember, and aptly named it "Summertime," so as to make their intention clear. But it was really Bad Boy that perfected the art of the summer hit, ruling the airwaves during the summers of the late 90's. It was one or two ridiculously infectious songs that you could not escape for two or three sultry months. Every time you turned on the radio, there it was. Every party you went to, they played it twice, for an ecstatic frenzied crowd. Granted, payola was a huge component in the blueprint, but that's really not our business is it? The point is that they made hits, and marketed them to death. Alas, we have reached a time when the hitmaking is secondary to the marketing. Bad Boy is finished, as nothing lasts forever, but there is no replacement in the market. No one.
Rap music officially sucks. Its not so much that southern rap sucks, as it is that the entire country has permitted it to dominate the industry. "Bounce and roll your butt in the club, shake it shake it, what you got back there, I want to shake it and bounce it and roll it in a blunt and smoke it between my ice grill, in the club." I cannot name one "hit" song of the last two years that does not prominently feature one of these themes. I cannot name one rap song made in the last two years that has been remotely interesting. I cannot name one album heralded as the shit. Or one artist who has lived up to the promo and marketing hype.
We are at the mercy of aging moguls and entitled upstarts who do not speak or understand English well enough to bastardize it creatively. Every great empire falls, and this may just be the end of hip-hop as we know it. Boo.
Monday, September 04, 2006
CRIKEY!!! Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, dead at 44!
KILLED! I can't wrap my brain around it!!!
What the frig!?!?!?!?!
The US media, as always, is lagging behind on the REAL story...check out the REAL DEAL here.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Does anyone Remember Renee Richards?
If ya' don't know, now you know...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
It Doesn't Pay to Emulate U2....Especially if you're a Nigro
Not unlike the impromtu rooftop stylings of U2, Mos Def took his message to the streetz with an ode to Katrina, a consciousness rap with a touch of "what the f*ck George Dubya"... only difference, the nigro was arrested.
Def was given a summons and was released FROM JAIL FRIDAY morning...
BTW...the Yahoo.com/Reuters version of the article is crap...check out the REAL DEAL here.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Disaster Preparedness
The Red Cross recommends having 6 categories of things on hand for emergencies:
1) water - 3 day supply (1 gallon/person/day)
2) food - 3 day supply (ready to eat canned meat, fruit, vegetables, vitamins, salt, sugar, energy bars)
3) first aid supplies (include non-prescription drugs)
4) clothing/bedding (1 changes of clothes and footware per person)
5) tools and emergency supplies (see website for suggestions)
6) special items for medical conditions (prescription medications, eyeglasses, contact lens supplies)
Stored water should be replaced every six months - drink what you had in storage. Food should be replaced every 6-12 months. Batteries should be replaced as needed. Update stored clothing by season.
Target and the Red Cross partnered to create an introductory disaster preparedness kit which retails at Target for $29.99. It includes ponchos, a flashlight, a radio, first aid supplies, and more. The Red Cross also sells a variety of its own exclusive kits.
Lastly, the Red Cross recommends keeping important family documents in a waterproof portable container. These include, but are not limited to: wills, deeds, social security cards, bank account numbers, credit card numbers, insurance cards and policies, birth certificates, marriage certificates.
Check the website at www.redcross.org for more.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Where do I Begin...
Flav will not be outdone (btw google image "Flava (not Flavor) of Love" to see what our girl Hoopz has been up to -- thaaaat trick)...!!!
Leave it to one of the biggest disgraces/guilty pleasures on tv to bump it up a notch when needed...
The girls of 2300 Flava Street had the opportunity to showcase their rump-shakin' skills for King Flav with the help of the negro male krumper and pale female choreographers (who wouldn't last one night in Atlanta with their moves). Needless to say, the routines were more than my "EYEZ" could stand, but in the end, Deelishis, Krazy and Nibblz won their one on ones on with the master of the house. The losers of the "shake your booty competition, started gossipin' while the cat was away with Toastee taking the cake; providing the ladies with their juiciest gossip of the night, but with shakey proof. Which led us to the payoff...you know, the reason why we watch the disaster in the first place...drama, drama, drama... A must see...
Survivor has been getting the publicity it pretty much sold its soul for and more.
The outrageous "Battle of the Races" concept from the show that should've been cancelled long ago has been getting WAY TOO MUCH PLAY on the cable news networks. Question: Are we supposed to believe that your fascist casting agents (mostly LMC women) are supposed to be equitable when it comes to their choice of players on each team? Is it a coincidence that after years of ignoring/degrading and insulting black women in the media, THIS is the ONE TIME that we are overrepresented? Instead of having 3 black males on the negroid team ( a la the Asian and Latino teams), Survivor decides that, for a physical competition, the blacks only need 2 males (one terribly out of shape and 45 years old) to everyone elses 3. Admittedly, the LMC team has 3 females and 2 males, but you and I both know of America's love affair with the LMC woman. Those chicks aren't going anywhere...
Please note the athletic backgrounds of, oh, everyone on the other teams compared to the nigros...
Now we don't play sports...ya'll are some real crazy muthas...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Beah Richards...the Voice of Many
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Blacks, AIDS, and the Culpability of Black Men
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Spike Lee's Requiem is Superb
The second half airs on HBO tonight at 9:00 pm. There's nothing else to say.
Spike Lee crafts complex, monumental look at Katrina, Reuters
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Gaede Twins: Satan's Spawn
Wifeswap Makes Us Question the Wisdom of Integration (Again)
Two interracial couples embark upon journeys of self-discovery. Tonight on Wifeswap:
White woman married to a black man, on white men -
"I can't see a black man ever waiting on somebody hand and foot..." [ok blondie, ever heard of, ummm, slavery? This "I'm a man" shit is totally post-swinging from trees. Idiot.]
"Black men tend to know who they are." ['tis news to us]
Black woman married to a white man, on black men -
"Eric reminds me of the black men that I gave up on...they want you to bow down to them...I don't believe in that at all."
"You are the very reason I married my husband (a white man)."
"You treat your wife like a slave." [expect no sympathy here dammit, we say it's about time]
Black man married to white woman, on black woman's nasty attitude -
"You are exactly the type of person who makes this country what it is in terms of race relations..." [right, it was her, a black woman, who f***ed up race relations in America...genius.]
These comments are not a fabrication. I stumbled upon some unholy episode of Wifeswap. According to my Direct TV blurb, tonight's episode involves "two integrated families who push racial stereotypes to the limit." Oh damn.
So what we have is a black man/white woman, swapping with a white man/black woman. In short, these are four ignorant bastards with whom we (normal ppl) are competing for, oh, ozone layer protection, oxygen.
First of all, the stereotypical black woman - btw, thanks and shout-out to ABC central casting - wants us to understand that she hates black men. She said it 40 times. She hates black men. She hates kids too. Imagine, ABC managed to find a black woman who hates kids, all kids, even the curly haired biracial ones she has to babysit during the swap. She hates housework too. And giving the kids book learning. YAY!!! This means she's not a mammy, despite her big ass replete with pantylines!!! After oh, 400 years, we've undone the stereotype. In fact, ABC has managed to completely reverse the paradigm. The black woman here serves no purpose at all - she's no good with kids, she's no good at domestic work, she hates her own people, she hates other people. She's some new shit - a black woman that cannot even take care of white people (we never expected her to take care of her own). Don't get us wrong, she sucks with all her yelling and screaming. And in a cruel twist, she demands tea and finger sandwiches. This is what happens when little black girls read stupid shit like Pride and Prejudice at a young age. Identity crisis. She is a walking identity crisis.
The white woman is all goodness and light (shock and awe). She is a housewife, who simply wants to please her black man. Like, she said this. She respects black men because they are strong and they know who they are. Let me guess, she also believes that they are better endowed and faster runners. In today's news, water is wet, sky is blue. Moron. She first appears onscreen holding her bible and talking to her five biracial offspring. Oh help me. I can't even finish this post.
The long and short of the fiasco is that ABC managed to make the white people look uh human, and the black people were referred to repeatedly as shiftless and lazy. [We note that white people cannot wipe their own behinds]. Anyway, by some miracle everyone's happy in the end. Black lady ghetto dances with the kids. She decides she likes kids from playing with curly haired biracial kids - somehow playing with her two black ones was insufficient to make her like children. Black dude's perspective changes. Women shouldn't have to do all the cooking and cleaning. Apparently he is a caveman. They learn that we are all part of a human race. These people are really stupid. They've clearly never seen any after school specials. It took Wifeswap to teach them that tired ass lesson. Interestingly, the white people didn't seem to learn anything. Thanks massa, for another lesson learned.
P.S. All this new found love didn't stop the black lady from ripping the white lady a new one during the sit-down at then end. White lady foolishly suggested that black lady treated her son like a "slave." They just don't learn. Black lady didn't like that at all. She didn't even "want to hear the word." You know, "don't call my son a slave. You called my son a slave." Rational black man said "we all heard what [white lady] said. She didn't call your son a slave." Black lady responded that she was "just tellin' it like it t-i is." What?!?!? I swear we need a license to appear on reality television.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Project Runway: Update
1) Vincent Libretti...wow. Just...wow. Vincent Libretti told Lipstick Laura to go stick her Harry Winston's up her nose. We s*** you not. We kinda wish she would too. He also said that his dress "got him off" at least twice. Actually he said his dress reminded him of a child's drawing, and got him off. Is this some weird form of pedophilia? We don't know. He thought it bore repeating on the runway, and told Michael Kors that it turned him on. Um, yuck.
2) Thank goodness for the return of Michael Kors and his gayface. He called someone's dress a "paper brioche." He said Vincent's model looked like she was walking in a refrigerator box. How does he even think of these things?
3) Heidi Klum's inability to speak proper English coupled with her deep thoughts are a godsend. She pondered whether she'd rather look like a "fat Minnie Mouse" or slim and long. Sadly there was actually a fat Minnie Mouse on the show, replete with hair fashioned into a blond bow.
4) Michael's model Nasry? Holy bags - she apparently hasn't slept since the show started.
5) Michael knocked it out the damned park. We're loving this guy.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Project Runway: Michael, We Eat Our Words
On last week's episode of Project Runway, Michael killed it. His hot-pink hot pant ensemble, inspired by Pam Grier was positively foxy. His model looked fabulous. Not only did he win the challenge, but he earned a Tresemme ad in Elle Magazine (of course) featuring his model in his piece.
In addition, we learned that he's not a jerk. When the gang was skewering Angela - who is a dummy, btw - he came to her defense, saying that he did not think it was funny for everyone to be giving her a hard time. He calls his mom, he prays. In short, we're bitches. We still however, say "how you doin'" every time he's on screen.
Project Runway, tonight at 10:00 p.m. on Bravo
Monday, August 14, 2006
Breaking News: Condi AND Oprah Make Vanity Fair's Best Dressed List
Shock to end all shocks - there are two sisters and two brothers on the Best Dressed List in Vanity Fair's September Style Issue. For the mathematically challenged among us, that's a total of four negroes. Yay!
Condoleeza Rice is a best dressed woman, despite her best effort not to be included (wearing that confounded page boy hairdo). The honor has also been bestowed on Oprah, who in one year has compensated for a lifetime of fashion sins. Big ups to VF for putting Queen Rania of Jordan in their Hall of Fame. She is remarkably beautiful and always looks smashing.
Oswald Boateng (House of Boateng, Bravo) and Kanye West rep the dudes, appearing on the list with the likes of David Beckham (who, btw, looks sooo hawt), George Clooney, and Anderson Cooper. Kanye was his usual big-headed self. He believes that his occupation is to "be Kanye." And his favorite quote? "I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal." Ron Burgundy, Anchorman. Idiot.
We're a little pissed about the quality of the article. The layout wasn't great, and the photos of the "best dressed" were unremarkable. We couldn't wait to get our grubby little mitts on the magazine when we read the teaser for the article on the cover. The spread was a letdown. Tisk tisk, VF.
Luxe Life: A Broke Chick's Wishlist
Oh what we'd do with a few extra buckaroos (and the type of conscience that would permit us to indulge our penchant for all things luxurious)...tahitian pearls, mini-breaks, spa day dammit...we could go on forever.
Here's our little list of luxury items in case anyone wants to make donations (enter "crickets").
Cartier Tank Solo Watch
Dooney & Bourke Nubuck Leather Bucket Bag: $345
Harajuku Lovers T-Shirts: $42
Carolina Herrera Wardrobe (for business and formal)
Tracy Reese Wardrobe (for casual)
Mercedes CLS 500 (Silver thanks, with silver trim): $75,000+
Philosophy Amazing Grace Bath Soaps: $18
Vera Wang Eau de Parfum: $65
Home Furnishings
Restoration Hardware Crystal Banister Lamp: $325
Mikimoto Multi-colored Tahitian Cultured Pearl Necklace: eh hem, Price Available on Request
Equinox Membership w/ Personal Trainer
The Zone
Virgin Gorda Mini-Break: $2,000
Jay McGraw...just like a Man...
Go to Google images and type in "Erica Dahm" (leave out the quotes) and you'll get a hilarious pairing of pics in the second row ... Dr.Phil (whom I love), next to a shameless TRUE BOOTY shot of his new daughter-in-law AND her sisters!!! Hi-larious!
Papa must be proud...
Friday, August 11, 2006
Kanye...Guess there's no Hope for Brooke, huh?
"Alexis", according to reports, was his "back home" girlfriend who was there for him even before his infamous car accident. Crittendon, the self-proclaimed "Baddest-Chick" of SU (more like chickenhead) is probably pulling out her hair at the news.
"Brooke, you know I hooked you up with this pic, there were many disasters to choose from..."
Monday, August 07, 2006
What Can I Say? It's Flav!
Enter Flava of Love, the
Friday, August 04, 2006
An Inconvenient Spoof: The Republican Party Sucks
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
NYTimes, handle your business...
I don't care what side of the fence you are on with the Isreali-Lebanese conflict, but can we all agree that the New York Times is making a fool of itself by using the word "DOVISH" when describing any Isreali minister, cabinet member or spokesperson right before the described vows to destroy "a people". Now the NYTimes is not the only jackbutt, but they were ones who held the "dovish" that broke MY camels back.
Quit it!
Monday, July 31, 2006
On a Serious Note ...
on the low rates of African-American "males' going to college. Yadda, yadda, yadda....I wrote a comment and when I tried to submit it, I was told that the blogger was not accepting comments, so I decided to bore you all with my rant...This, of course...is all family business...if you ain't family, MOVE ON!
When addressing the plight of blacks in education, period, not just the black males, people with good intentions only make the problem worse when they talk about the college and university rates of matriculation for African-American Students.
Personally, it DID NOT HELP, going to a university where the few African-American students, as brilliant as they were, did not have the same reverence for education as other African-American students who, from their youth, were made to understand what education REALLY was and could give them.
The rates of African-American male enrollment is of no concern to me, at this point, because if they want to go to school...they can...so, it's not Harvard...
I need to know that African-Americans are making it a REQUIREMENT to get their young boys and girls interested and on a fast track TO COLLEGE from the moment those kids enter nursery school. There is no point in sticking kids into college just because the numbers don't look good for "a people " unless those kids are truly going to represent and understand what they are getting themselves into.
Not proofread, just a rant...
Friday, July 28, 2006
So you think you can Dance?
Ryan, my kinsman from Jamaica and a native New Yorker, was voted off last night. Thank goodness. Finally, a week where I don't have to hear how excruciatingly horrible his dancing AND personality is. He's sweet, but those judges were NOT giving him a break. Natalie, whom all the little colored boys love, beat out the fiery, got a little somethin' goin' on - I can see it in her hair, Allison, whom I personally pegged as making it, at least, to the top two. Allison was truly amazing, but you know, as long as Natalie is cute...
Donyelle, a show favorite, stunk it up during her poorly choreographed Hip-Hop routine with super-bubbly Travis. Shane Sparks, the sassy, sista' hatin' choreographer from Cincinnati, illustrated to those in the know, that he's all bark and no bite. His work reminds me of a bunch of girls tryin' to come up with somethin' hot for their high school talent show. His "Hip-Hop" choreography to an R&B song stank it up as well, and probably had a hand in Allison's early departure. Cecily, a sometime judge with partner Olisa and probably THE HOTTEST choreographer that I'd EVER worked with, but was overshadowed by the Fatima era in the mid-to-late 90s, could run circles around Sparks and his garbage. His work is remedial and his attitude...horrendous. Alex Da Silva, on the other hand...is FANT-A-BULOUS, because he has not only been classicaly trained, but he's underground as well, so he has mastered the best of both worlds giving us everything from a gorgeous Cuban Rhumba to the Classic Argentine Tango.
I have nothing to say about Ivan other than I hate him...he's truly getting away with murder.
Who could be next to go?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Our Unreliable Weather Pixie
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
What the $%^#!!!!
Bass claims to be in a relationship with "Amazing Race 4" winner Reichen Lehmkuhl who partnered with Chip Arndt as a "married" couple on the CBS reality show. Guess that's over.
'N Sync singer worried he would harm group - CNN.com
Lance Bass reveals that he's gay - MSNBC
You don't know who you are Talking to...Boycott!!!
It especially irks me that she preaches the girthy-gospel then enters into a marriage where both she and her husband are free to "see" other people. Talk about self-loathing... apparently, if you've got some weight on you, you don't deserve a long-term, loving relationship.
All that to say, I love that chick. Mo'Nique is the patron saint of "holdin' it down", I must say. Chick is no joke!
I would say that most of us, who currently travel, or have traveled regularly, have had to deal with sassy LMC flight attendants who feel like they can say, or do anything they want because the post-9/11 world has given these unusually powerless people a new set of cojones. The LMCs, who love to exxagerate or just straight-up lie as a means to their end can now throw you off of a plane for absolute nonsense under the guise of protecting the passengers from possible terrorism on your part. Enter Mo'Nique with entourage in tow
Selection taken from the 7/26/2006 Chicago Sun-Times article by Bill Zwecker.
Please note the tid-bit of info at the end of Zwecker's full article regarding the friend whose has dealt with Mo'Nique and her "posse".
Mo'Nique's supposed threat which led to the boot off the plane, according to Entertainment Tonight, was the statement, "You don't know who you are talking to...".
Mo'Nique is now asking for a boycott of United Airlines. I personally think people should call UA if they've EVER had a problem dealing with flight attendants anywhere. Let them know that you are not having it anymore. Your money is just as good as any LMCs and you sure as hell earned the respect that they get on the daily.
United Airlines - Customer Relations
1-877-228-1327 (8am - 7pm CST)
United Airlines - New York & New Jersey
NY - 1-800-864-8331 (reservations, navigate to customer service)
NJ - 1-973-624-6925
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Matenopoulos Sucks...
The View, specifically Barbara and Bill Geddes, is keepin' it gansta', by taking a page out of George dubya's book. Reward others for doing your dirty work.
Matenopoulos, the dumb LMC broad whose lack-luster career recently culminated with the ho-hum E! Entertainment Top Ten tabloid daily/weekly (I'm not even trying to get the title right) , has squeezed her butt back onto the View, if only for a little while. Shall we look for Star to make a reappearance in 7 years?
The week after the Star fiasco, Matenopoulos scurried out of her cave to let the world know that Star had soooommmme nerve complaining about the "end communication" edict Ms. Wawa put out there. Matenopoulos claims that after she was fired, she received a call from everybody but Star. Hey Debs, is it possible that Star liked you as much as your viewers?
Not to mention, we already have a dumb blonde on the View.
Be gone.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Miss Universe Watchable: Thanks to NBC, Bravo, Carson Kressley (how you doin'?)
Confession #1: we watched it. And to our surprise, it was good.
It was a big old Bravo and NBC lovefest. We watched in part to see Miss USA in Kayne's creation (Project Runway). Interestingly Nancy O'Dell, Project Runway celebrity client from two seasons ago, hosted the show. She was about as interesting as a bag of rocks. Much better was Queer Eye's Carson Kressley. He was just "how you doin'" all over the place - he held nothing back. When Miss Puerto Rico came out, he started singing "Boricua, morena..." Like one of the old men on The Muppets, he commented on everything from make-up to hair to outfits. Santino Rice, also of Project Runway fame, was a judge. Other notable judges: the Brit who won the Apprentice; Emmet Smith; and the new Puerto Rican anchor on the Today Show, Maria Ayayay... listen that's not her last name, but I just really can't remember.
Confession #2: Black chicks watch these pageants with a keen eye on the minorities.
It takes a stunning white girls (not your average Becky or Sara) to capture our attention otherwise. Last night, there were some. Miss Switzerland Lauriane Gillieron was fab, as was Miss Denmark. But IMO, the night belonged to the blacks, latinos, and Asians on the stage.
Miss Trinidad and Tobago, pictured above, was stunning. We won't discuss the 12 foot bag of weave that she rocked as a ponytail. (I mean we're talking straight, shiny, black, and to her butt - like right out of the bag). We're also not so sure about the carnival regalia she wore as her national costume, but she was pretty and quite poised. One of the hosts called her the "best face" of the pageant. Her body was not bad either.
Miss Ethiopia, pictured below, was also stunning - vaguely reminiscent of Beyonce, no?
We're talking body like Iman - hips like whoa. She was robbed, she didn't make it past the first cut.
Miss Japan and Miss India were both cute and accomplished. Miss Japan wore this anime costume - it was cute - very Crouching Tiger. Damned if I could tell the South American chicks apart. They were all shiny dark hair, pretty tan, bronzer for days - except Miss Argentina - who was bottle blond. Miss Mexico was pretty.
Jamaica did not place - rare occurrence. We can't be hot all the time. Whatever.
Congrats to the winner, Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza of Puerto Rico, who walked away with the crown...and fainted shortly thereafter. She rocked her dress, though. The temporary 'rexia was totally worth it.
Pick on Somebody your own Size!
Chandrawinata, a native of Hannover Germany with a German mother, is only the 2nd contestant in a decade to represent Indonesia in the global pageant. The 22-year old is accused of violating a ban on beauty pageants put in place by the dictator Suharto, the year Chandrawinata was born, in addition to just being plain old vulgar for donning a bathing suit for all to see.
QUESTION: Who funded Miss Indonesia's march to the pageant?
ANSWER: Why the men of Indonesia! Not only the men, but the male government officials who modify and enforce the rules by which the Indonesians live.
Come now, ladies...Chandrawinata is a pawn...why not go after those who ushered her into the arena, or do the men always get a pass...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
No Men, no Mas...
Now, as a happily married sista' of 3 years, I'm gonna have to drag my lust memory out of the basement for this one, but I'm doin' it for the young ladies today who don't have a clue as to what real men look and sound like. You know...our eye-candy.
You see, some jackbutt industry heads (black men, of course) are trying to tell women what to look and sound like. Big booty strippers with barely there black and hair down to your back. Nothing new, same old, same old, but I would like to pose a question for P-Didn't, Jay-B and all the 350-plus pound producers out there with their Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses and conked-slicked back hair...
Where's Tank?
You know, that chiseled, big-lipped R&B adonis that used to make the girlz lose - their - minds. (I must reiterate, he doesn't do a thing for me know, but I remember!) .
The black males in power of the commercial negro music movement, don't want men who are going to make black men, especially the music mavens themselves, feel less like the mandingos they are trying to sell us into believing they are. It only took them a second to figure that one out. This is why we are inundated with Ne-yos, Marios, and Avants, with tiny little Chris Browns and whatever that other little ones name is, who are round-the-way looking singers, while they, the industry mucks, find their version of the ideal woman and give her a contract when her background singers can sing "her" out of the boxing ring. They practically threw Maxwell's skinny behind in a box and threw away the key! No men, no mas.
Hey, as long as they can get away with it they will, but ladies...would you rather see a concert with Ne-yo, Omarion and Chris Brown with Kanye West headlining or would you drop a c-note on Tank, Maxwell and LL Cool J with the Jay to the Z closing it out.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Get Aquenetta out of Here!
In the July 2nd edition of the New York Times Magazine (my absolute fav), The Ethicist (sorry link is long gone) brought to light a fairly typical situation to arise in hospitals and the corporate world, a la "Something New", illustrating the ever enduring Affirmative Action LIFE policies for LMC women...as usual.
Apparently, the person who submitted the article, a nurse from the Texas hospital in question...that's right folks, Texas, tells us of the demanding LMC patient who felt more comfortable with a female anesthesiologist and politely asked if it were possible to reassign the position, already assigned to a man, to a woman. The hospital complied.
As the patient was being prepared for surgery, she was told the name of the newly assigned anesthesiologist. Let's call her "Aquenetta Sharise Jenkins", the pseudonym for the black doctor assigned to the LMC patient. The name, having a ridiculously high probability of belonging to a black woman, enraged the LMC patient, who shamelessly demanded an LMC doctor. The hospital, only minutes away from the surgery, decided to grant her wish since it was too early in the morning to question hospital officials on the ethics of her request.
Liberal LMCs could (and would) make the argument that this patient, and just plain old "Race in America" is the reason that LMCs would worry about using negro doctors...right or wrong, LMC doctors simply GET to work on more patients therefore they gain more experience...well, good lookin' out my LMC saviors, but let's face it...Eventhough the LMCs in this country equate a black person's doctorate with an LMCs B.A. and would sooner hire an LMC with a criminal record than a black with a Masters Degree, we all know the truth... Black folks have to work 50 million times (a possible exaggeration) harder and have to temper their souls daily to deal with the entitled LMCs faux spirits just to get the same opportunities that are simply handed to LMCs in this country.
For "Aquenetta" to get to where she is, she not only had to be exceptional as a student (or at least a hard frickin' worker), but she had to be a social breakdancin' maverick to navigate through the LMCs daily maze of "soullessness". I just don't have the patience.
You make the call.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Naomi Campbell Gets Arrested...Again.
Naomi Campbell Is Reportedly Arrested, ABC News
Heavy Rain, Wind, Cause NYC to Implode
It's okay for us to understate the impact. However, can someone tell us how Con Edison managed to underestimate the number of homes without power in Queens by 23,000 homes? And better yet, why it took them four days to figure it out?
It rained again today and the number 5 train cannot function. There is no service to the city's hinterlands, aka the Bronx. Because it rained. Holmes said taxes bought civilization. Wrong.
Con Edison Now Says As Many as 25,000 Still Without Power, NY1
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Star Jones and Al Reynolds Divorce Watch Begins
Breaking News: Star Jones and Al Reynolds countdown to divorce has officially begun. Al was spotted leaving Blank Rome, where it is suspected he was seeking counsel re: his impending divorce from Star Jones. Ted Casablanca called it. Star is having a bad couple of months.
Kelly Rowland Celebrates Black History Month on The View
Poor Kelly, who looked fab btw, was a goner as soon as she sat down. The first thing out of Barbara's mouth was about Kelly's split with Dallas Cowboy Roy Williams. The D.C. girls are mum about almost everything - including their relationships. Clearly embarrassed and unprepared for the question, Kelly tried to dodge the bullet. But sensing a challenge, Babs pressed on. She asked why they broke up. She asked if anyone told them it wouldn't work. Kelly tried to keep her composure. She danced, ducked, and weaved. Little Kelly smiled and giggled to hide the faces she made when she wanted to call Barbara a bitch. But thankfully, the camera got it all. That poor child couldn't get an unsolicited word in edgewise. Her mouth just kept opening and closing.
The cats over at VH1's Best Week Ever also noticed that Barbara has been committing a cardinal sin with all of the sisters. She has been petting their hair like animals in a zoo. What's wrong with these people? Never seen a weave Barbara?????????
BTW, of all the lovely ladies that have been on the View, who's Rosie O'Donnell's favorite? Kelly Pickler. That lady's got class, I tell ya. Not television news anchor Deborah Roberts who might have something meaningful to contribute to a conversation, but Kelly Pickler.
Monday, July 17, 2006
World News Tonight
Oh, and in other news, President Bush cursed today while lunching with Tony Blair in Russia. (Will he never learn that the mic is ALWAYS on?) He suggested Syria talk to Hezbollah and tell them to stop this "shit." While we were inclined to laugh at first, we realized this was perhaps one of the most coherent statements he's ever made. He knows what all the words mean, and he seemed to know what was going on. If only he would address all foreign policy like it was a fight between two of his fraternity brothers, we'd all be better off. No?
Just for kicks, we'll link to Fox News' coverage of Bush's public potty mouth:
Bush Curses Hezbollah on Live Microphone, Fox News
In Haifa, Shock and Determination, MSNBC
Friday, July 14, 2006
Weekend Wrap-Up: The News As We See It
1) Apocalypse Now:
Kim Jong Il: Gangster with a Wave Nouveau
The dictator with the curly perm is intent on getting us all blown the hell up - firing seven missiles over the course of three days - and not giving a damn what anyone has to say about it. We just wanna know, why do high profile men submit to the whims of mad hairstylists? (See Trump, Sharpton, Kim Jong for more).
Kim Jong Il, Crazy Like a Fox, (ABC News, July 5, 2006)
Oy, Vey
Israel and Palestine are also intent on getting us blown the hell up. Um, who told Dubya that all Americans want to stand behind him in defense of Israel? We're sooo Switzerland on this issue. You hear that out there? The blacks are NEUTRAL (if not a little tired of the Palestinians being villainized). Moreover, gas prices are predicted to hit $4.00 a gallon over this mess - as if an excuse was needed.
Bush Will Not Tell Israel to Halt Offensive, (ABC News, July 14, 2006)
2) Haute Ca Ca
Manolo Blahnik, Bored, Diversifies
Clearly in need of another project, or perhaps seeking to become a fashion triple-threat (footwear, accessories, fragrance), Manolo Blahnik has joined the ranks of Tocca and Jo Malone, by making his own ridiculously overpriced line of candles. According to Neiman Marcus, it's "what every fashionista's been waiting for." For a cool $75, you too can be immersed in heliotropes, chocolate, vanilla and figs. Why aren't the topnotes leather, or rhinestone?
Manolo Blahnik Candle, Neiman Marcus
Naomi Campbell Beats B****es Up (oh Coral, how we used to love thee)
Already in court on charges of having assaulted two employees, Naomi Campbell now faces charges from a third employee. Why? "Verbal, physical and emotional attacks." This has to be a conspiracy. Whatever. Yay, another opportunity for us to see what she wears to court. Did you see her thighs...rather, Naomi, sashay her way into court last week in the basic black dress/black shades/weave blowing in the wind? It was Paris. It was Milan. It was the shit (sigh).
Naomi Campbell Faces New Employee Abuse Suit, Reuters UK, (July 14, 2006)
3) Entertainment
You're Either In, Or You're Out...
Wednesday nights belong to Bravo. Project Runway is back - and for the first time, we have a black male designer on the show. He's Michael from Atlanta. And we're not sure we like him because of his big-headed promos. However, he did NOT cut the fool on the show yet, to our surprise. He made a cute little white dress out of coffee filters. We'd love to root for him, so please don't let him be a jerk. Others to watch: Keith, who made a stunning (and according to Michael Kors, "emotional") navy dress for his equally stunning model; Laura, who loves old Hollywood, red lipstick, and garments trimmed in fur; and Robert, whose little red and white confection made us want to go Christmas shopping in the city...pronto.
Project Runway, Bravo, Wednesdays @ 10pm
It's Gonna Be Crucial, Yeh
Dominican (as in Dominica, not the Dominican Republic) reggae artist Nasio Fontaine has an album out. There's a track on it called Crucial, and it is the hotness. Why do so many iffy acts get contracts and airtime - we see you dirty south - while real artists have to fight to get heard?
Universal Cry, Nasio Fontaine
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Young, Gifted and Black: The Tragic Demise of Tiesha Sargeant
Like many of us, Teisha she was raised in a working class family that emphasized the value of education. Her natural abilities were cultivated and refined by Prep-for-Prep, which prepared her to attend some of our nation's most elite academic institutions (Brearley and Wesleyan). Upon graduation, Teisha worked at Conde Nast and ultimately Credit Suisse, where she worked until her untimely death.
Media attention revolved around the question of how this could happen to a woman who had seemingly "escaped" the misfortune of being born black, female, and working class in New York City. But the vast number of us know what the media cannot understand. The dichotomy that has been set up between educated and uneducated blacks in our urban communities is false, as is the good/bad dichotomy, and the right/wrong dichotomy. These distinctions are useless in neighborhoods where many good people are caught up in bad circumstances, many bad people are well educated, and many smart people are without resources and opportunity. Unlike our white counterparts, who select neighborhoods (and friends and spouses and jobs) based on demographic factors like education, occupation, and/or wealth, we are bound together by our race and culture in a fairly segregated city.
Going home at the end of the day for many of us does not mean that we go to a place where people are "educated" like we are, because for many of us that would mean living in white neighborhoods. While we might strive for that environment at work, we go home to communities that are the mixed up product of the American urban experience - but are decidedly ours.
The article makes it clear that mainstream Americans still believe most black people to be poor, dumb and ghettoized by default. In their mind, Teisha Sargeant was an exceptions and perhaps should have been divorced from the community from whence she came. It does beg the question, one that W.E.B. DuBois did not answer...where are the talented tenth supposed to live, and with whom? How do we preserve our safety and our cultural integrity at the same time? Tough questions.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Sony's Crazy Billboards Are Gone
So after a few weeks, Sony has pulled the "racially charged" (read: neo-Nazi) Playstation Portable billboards that were displayed throughout the Netherlands. The ads feature a white woman grasping the face of a fearful black woman, with the proclamation "White is Coming."
What did the execs over at Sony have to say? "We only intended to make a sharp contrast between black and white, but never meant to discriminate against anyone." Someone needs to fire their press agent. Is that not the very definition of discrimination, to distinguish between two things? Whatever.
The jaw grabbing thing was obviously not intended to suggest a power dynamic either. Can you imagine the presentation of the ad at the agency? How the hell did they explain the concept? The Japanese should be sensitive to this kind of thing, well with the internment and all. To be fair, there were other treatments of the ad, e.g., with a black guy atop a white guy, grabbing his face. The bottom line: Don't play the color game with people - use dice, dominoes, anything else. It's not artistic, it's bad p.r.
Anyhoo, black males ages 10-40 now have license to go and cop the New PlayStation Portable White. We're sure it will be a status symbol by Labor Day.
Sony Removes Ads for New PlayStation Portable in Netherlands After Racism Allegation (Mainichi Daily News, July 13, 2006)
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Elizabeth Hasselbeck Sucks
Nonetheless, today Kelly Monaco (the chick who shook her booty to win Dancing With the Stars - only to be stripped of her title by the dude from Seinfeld) has the honor of sitting in Star's chair. The gals get into a discussion of marriage. This discussion was clearly orchestrated by the producers to give Elizabeth the opportunity to do her real job, i.e., slut herself out for the Republican party. In fact, we need a payola inquiry immediately. Anyway, Kelly Monaco is 30, and she's been with her boyfriend for 15 years. They're not married.
Elizabeth, as everyone knows, is married to Tim Hasselbeck, whom she loves, honors, cherishes, obeys, procreates with, goes to church with, condemns liberals with... No one can convince me that this chick didn't come with a remote control and a battery pack in her back.
Citizen-officer Elizabeth attacks Kelly for not marrying her boyfriend. Of course she says the obligatory, "that's fine, it's totally your choice, but..." According to Lizzie, lots of people "attack" marriage, and "attack" people who believe in marriage. And it's fine if people don't want to get married as long as they don't attack marriage.
Shut up Elizabeth. First, Kelly Monaco didn't even bring up the subject. Second, the bridal industry in this country is huge and growing exponentially every year. If marriage was a company on the NYSE it would be the worst investment, like, ever. Sixty percent fail. And yet...Americans do it in droves every year. Who's attacking marriage? She's so dumb.
Joy, whose life's work seems to be taking people - especially Republicans - off their high horse, was right on point today. I can't stand her, but ooh today she was sooooo good. She was like, "Elizabeth, how long have you and Tim been together?" This Elizabeth is so stupid she didn't see it coming. "Eight years," she boasts, batting her eyelashes. Joy counters "...and how long have you been married?" "Ummm, why four years," bat-bat, bat-bat. Nosy ass Joy busts out "so what, you had pre-marital sex?" Elizabeth damn near fell under the table. She was furious and told Joy it was none of her business. She also demanded to know what pre-marital sex had to do with the discussion. She was right. Really it had nothing to do with the discussion. Joy probably just figured, "today I'm nailing this uppity bitch for something." Yaaayy!!
Liberals (even a/holes like Joy): 1
Republican Stepford Wives: 0
Disclaimer: We totally believe in marriage despite the odds. We just don't need a speech about it from people who send young men and women to war to be killed in order to satisfy their individual bloodlust and eugenicist impulses.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Conceited Black Man: The New Coon
"...[O]pportunistic use of Black culture is exploitative, a form of economism...replacing the political struggle for self-determination with a superficial rhetoric aimed at gaining concessions under imperialism." -Amiri Baraka, "Malcolm as Ideology," Malcolm X: In Our Own Image.
This morning I'm watching TV, when I see the promos for the new season of Project Runway (premiere July 12, 2006 - whoo hoo!). I'm all excited, but like a bolt out of the blue, what do the folks at Bravo send to rain on my parade? New cast member, Michael, age 28, from Atlanta. Michael, in all his sweet (eh hem) Atlanta glory, is wearing trademark new-coon aviators, with his arms folded in trademark new-coon stance. He utters 5-seconds worth of drivel about how fabulous he is, and how he's going to take the whole competition (which will be great in a few weeks when we know that he sooo doesn't take the competition).
If I see one more black man on television holding his nuts and talking about how great he is (while having absolutely nothing to back it up, of course), I will vomit. Someone is running around telling them that swagger sells. And they are listening. They say silly shit like "I'm not conceited, I just have the confidence to _______" - you can insert your choice of dumb tasks that they think they're particularly suited to succeed in accomplishing. Think Diddy. Think 50. This arrogance is often, though not always, associated with an alleged black nationalist agenda. Case in point: the militant afro-gay Karamo, who after all his damned talk was afraid to get in the water on the Real World/Road Rules challenge. Remember him? I know, barely.
I posit that this conceited black man, a caricature to be sure, is none other than our friend, the coon. He is mantan. He is Sambo. He is a fiction, a creation. We made him up to entertain white people. Again. We shuck, we jive, they film, they edit. Who do I blame for this unabashed idiocy? Kanye West, the new-coon patron saint.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The Rockets' Red Glare
Our beautiful sister-in-blackness, Stephanie Wilson, just took her first trip to space aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery. Every time a space shuttle launches, we are awestruck - filled with a combination of fascination and dread. Happily, they went up without a hitch, despite the damaged foam panel that was causing some concern. (An aside: Are we the only people who recall a time when this would be an occasion for "licking" celebratory gunshots? No? Hmm...I remember those days when Hell was my home/when me and Mama bed was a big piece a foam/and mi neva like bathe, and mi hair neva comb... Boy are we glad those days are over. Celebratory gunshots. Why are we so damned crazy?) Eh ehm, once again, dammit, we digress.
Good luck to all our astronaut friends while they're up there. We at Atmosphere Gabbery sure do hope they come back to Earth safe and sound.
In other news, the people are having a great week - Kim's free, Dallas Austin has been pardoned - but it's early yet. Surely some rapper will f*** it up. Just kidding. If this was an LMC blog, we'd be serious. But a perk of reading our blog? We love black people.