Thursday, August 17, 2006

Project Runway: Update

Tonight's Project Runway - filled with gems. Positively filled with gems. The producer's clearly spiked the Pellegrino with acid tabs or ground up e.

1) Vincent Vincent Libretti told Lipstick Laura to go stick her Harry Winston's up her nose. We s*** you not. We kinda wish she would too. He also said that his dress "got him off" at least twice. Actually he said his dress reminded him of a child's drawing, and got him off. Is this some weird form of pedophilia? We don't know. He thought it bore repeating on the runway, and told Michael Kors that it turned him on. Um, yuck.

2) Thank goodness for the return of Michael Kors and his gayface. He called someone's dress a "paper brioche." He said Vincent's model looked like she was walking in a refrigerator box. How does he even think of these things?

3) Heidi Klum's inability to speak proper English coupled with her deep thoughts are a godsend. She pondered whether she'd rather look like a "fat Minnie Mouse" or slim and long. Sadly there was actually a fat Minnie Mouse on the show, replete with hair fashioned into a blond bow.

4) Michael's model Nasry? Holy bags - she apparently hasn't slept since the show started.

5) Michael knocked it out the damned park. We're loving this guy.

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