Saturday, September 02, 2006

It Doesn't Pay to Emulate U2....Especially if you're a Nigro

Sooooo...apparently our boy, Mos Def solidified his street cred with an arrest, last night, outside the MTV Video Music Awards.
A personal favorite of mine, this rapper extraordinaire took it upon himself to "Edutain" the masses (with sound system in tow) on the streets of NYC outside of the MTV Awards venue Thursday night.

Not unlike the impromtu rooftop stylings of U2, Mos Def took his message to the streetz with an ode to Katrina, a consciousness rap with a touch of "what the f*ck George Dubya"... only difference, the nigro was arrested.

Def was given a summons and was released FROM JAIL FRIDAY morning...

BTW...the version of the article is crap...check out the REAL DEAL here.

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